Tritec Energy Ltd

Tritec has been a photovoltaic system supplier for all components of PV systems for 24 years.

The Swiss photovoltaic specialist has established itself as one of the leading solar PV companies in Switzerland. The company has a strong presence throughout Europe, and operates branches in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain.

The company represents clean energy and Tritec believes clean energy and sustainability belong together. Their motto is “energy for a better world.”

The international wholesaler has been advising specialist tradesmen, roof owners and investors in the planning, designing and implementation of their photovoltaic systems in the UK since May 2011.

Tritec’s headquarters are based in Switzerland and the company now has a presence in the UK solar market; it operates a branch office in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

The company can be contacted at:

Tritec Energy Ltd
Deer Park Farm Industrial Estate
Horton Heath
SO50 7PZ
United Kingdom

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