Solar Battery Price in the UK: Complete 2024 Cost Guide

Solar battery cost

  • In the UK, a 9 – 10kWh solar battery for a standard 4kW solar panel system typically costs between £8,000 to £9,500. When combined with the solar panel system priced at £9,000 to £10,000, the total cost ranges from approximately £17,500 to £19,500.
  • Combining a solar panel system with a solar battery can lead to yearly savings averaging £700, which may vary based on the size of your solar system and the storage capacity of your solar battery.
  • A solar battery has a lifespan of 5 to 15 years and generally achieves a payback period (break-even point) following installation within 10 to 12 years.

Solar energy continues to gain traction across the UK, as over 1.3 million homes leverage declining solar panel prices to lower energy bills, decrease carbon footprints, and lessen dependence on the grid.

Solar battery prices in the UK range from £3,500 to £10,000, yet they offer a dependable power source during dark winter nights by storing excess energy from the daylight hours. Our comprehensive guide ensures you have the necessary insight on solar battery prices, grants, and savings opportunities to make an informed decision confidently.

To find the right solar battery, plan carefully, research thoroughly, and compare quotes from multiple installers for the best deal. Simplify the process by filling out our 30-second form to receive up to 4 free, non-binding, tailored quotes from our network of professional installers instead of calling and searching for installers for several hours, if not days.

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How much does a solar panel battery cost in the UK?

In the UK, solar panel battery costs vary from £3,500 to £10,000, influenced by your solar panel system’s size and the needed battery capacity. When factoring in solar panel costs in the UK, the average 4kW solar system with battery price, for a 3-bedroom house, could reach £17,000 to £19,500.

In the table below we have compiled a breakdown of the costs you can expect to encounter by pairing your solar panel system with a solar panel battery.

Solar panel system Required solar battery size Solar battery cost Solar panel system cost Total cost including solar battery
2kW 4 – 5kWh £3,500 - £5,000 £2,500 – £3,500 £6,000 - £8,500
3kW 6 – 7 kWh £5,000 – £8,000 £4,500 – £5,500 £9,500 - £13,500
4kW 9 – 10 kWh £8,000 – £9,500 £5,000 – £6,000 £13,000 - £15,500
5kW 11 – 12kWh £9,000 - £10,000 £7,500 – £8,500 £16,500 - £13,500
6kW 13 – 14kWh £10,000+ £9,500 – £10,500 £19,500 - £20,500

As solar panels for homes continue to become more accessible and affordable in the UK, it's expected that solar panel battery costs will naturally decrease over time. This is because solar batteries are often used in conjunction with solar panels to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during periods of low sunlight.

Cost breakdown of a solar battery system

Here is a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with a solar battery system, encompassing unit costs, installation expenses, and maintenance fees.

System component Average costs
Solar battery £2,500 -  £10,000
Solar panels (incl. installation) £2,500 - £10,500
Labour costs (per day) £600 - £1,000
Maintenance costs: cleaning panels £10 / panel
Maintenance costs: annual service £100 - £200

It's important to note that the prices mentioned above are approximate figures and should be used as a reference point. For precise pricing tailored to your specific requirements, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified professional.

Finding a trustworthy solar battery expert on your own can drag on for days. It's much easier to find one with our help. Simply fill out our short 30-second form, and we'll connect you with up to 4 vetted solar battery installers.

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How much can you save by installing a solar battery?

While solar battery prices may initially seem high, it's important to consider the benefits of integrating a solar battery with your solar panel system. Doing so can lead to significant savings on your energy bills, provide a backup power source during emergencies, enhance energy independence and efficiency, and offer access to various grants that support homeowners choosing solar energy.

Solar batteries enable homeowners to store excess energy during periods of low demand, allowing for improved energy management by reducing reliance on the grid when energy costs are at their peak. This ultimately results in cost savings on your energy expenses.

The table below illustrates the potential savings achievable by combining a solar panel system with a solar battery:

House size Solar panel system Annual savings including SEG payment
1-2 bedrooms 2-3kW £440
2-3 bedrooms 3-4kW £660
4-5 bedrooms 6kW £1,005

What influences the cost of solar battery storage systems?

On average, solar battery prices in the UK can fluctuate between £2,500 to £10,500 due to various factors. Among them are aspects such as your household's size, the solar battery's capacity, the type of solar battery you choose, the chosen brand, installation costs, and whether you're eligible for any grants or tax incentives.

The installation expenses are also subject to change and are influenced by the battery’s size and whether it is direct current (DC)- or alternating current (AC)-coupled.

Solar batteries typically feature a usable capacity ranging from 1-15 kilowatt hours (kWh) within the UK. Higher capacities generally result in higher costs but also higher savings. It’s important to note that the cost of a solar inverter should also be factored into your overall budget when considering a solar battery system.

Are there solar battery grants available in the UK to cut down on solar battery costs?

In recent years, solar panels have gained popularity across the UK thanks to, among other factors, new technological improvements that have increased solar panel efficiency and the wide variety of solar panel grants available across the country.

Having said this, you might be wondering: Can I get a grant for solar batteries? And the answer is yes.

When it comes to choosing the best solar battery storage in the UK, there are several grants and incentives available for those who are looking into pairing their solar panels to a solar battery and making the most out of the energy produced during peak sunshine seasons.

Smart Export Guarantee

Solar bettery cost SEG

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) became available in January 2020 to encourage homeowners to opt for the installation of solar panels by allowing them to generate income by sending excess power back to the grid.

As an SEG participant with a solar battery, you can compare offers from various SEG licensees and secure competitive rates between 1p and 20p per kilowatt hour (kWh). Some energy providers even offer exclusive pricing for energy exported specifically from certain solar battery storage systems.

To participate, homes with traditional solar panel systems under 5 megawatts (MW) capacity must have a smart meter installed to accurately track exports. For instance, a typical three-bedroom house equipped with a 4kW solar panel system; according to a 5.5p per kWh rate, you could potentially have annual savings of £700 by taking advantage of the SEG.

0% VAT

Solar battery cost VAT

Starting from February 1st, 2024, the UK government has expanded the 0% VAT scheme to include solar battery storage systems. This applies to new installations of solar panels and batteries together, retrofitting batteries into existing solar panel setups, and standalone battery storage systems linked to the grid.

Previously, VAT relief was limited to solar batteries installed alongside new solar panels. This update is designed to boost the appeal of solar energy for homeowners and promote its uptake. It’s worth mentioning that this initiative is set to continue until March 31, 2027.

Home Energy Scotland Loan

Solar battery cost Home Energy Scotland

The Home Energy Scotland Loan, supported by the Scottish Government, provides support to homeowners in financing energy-efficient and renewable energy upgrades.

Scottish residents are eligible for loans covering up to 75% of the installation expenses, varying based on the specific measure. Cashback amounts are determined by the total project cost and are capped at a maximum limit.

For homeowners considering solar batteries, this could translate into financing your solar panel setup and potentially gaining up to £6,000 through government schemes. This means lowering the total cost of owning a complete solar solution.

Furthermore, in the table below we have compiled a list summarising available solar battery grants:

Solar battery grants Run time Potential savings
Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) January 1st  2020 – (Indefinite) 1p to 20p per kWh
0% VAT February 1st 2024  - March 31st 2027 Up to £1,300
Home Energy Scotland Loan 2008 – (Indefinite) Loans of up to 75% of the installation costs

Staying updated on ever-changing solar battery grants can be quite an arduous and time-consuming task. For this reason, we highly recommend seeking professional advice tailored to your specific needs.

However, calling and comparing multiple solar battery installers by yourself can take hours, if not days, of your precious time. Instead, we can connect you with up to 4 vetted solar battery installers by simply filling in our short 30-second online form.

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Is a solar battery worth it for UK homes?

Solar batteries offer an excellent solution for households aiming to store surplus energy generated during peak sunlight hours for later use. This practice reduces reliance on traditional energy providers, enhances energy efficiency, and ultimately leads to savings on energy expenses.

When contemplating the purchase of a solar battery, it is crucial to consider both the initial costs and available grants designed to assist homeowners with the high upfront expenses, such as the 0% VAT and the SEG schemes.

Therefore, it is advisable to seek guidance from a solar battery specialist who can assist you when integrating a solar battery with your existing solar panels. This expert guidance will help you optimise the solar energy generated by your solar panels.

Instead of spending hours of your time calling and searching for installers one by one, let us do the hard work for you and connect you with our network of professional solar installers.

Simply fill out our 30-second form, and then you'll hear back from up to 4 local solar installers. You can then compare their tailored quotes and choose the best deal. Our service is free, fast, and you're under no obligation to accept any of the quotes you receive. 

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  • How much does a solar battery cost in the UK?

In the UK, solar batteries cost between £2,500 to £10,500. However, this can vary due to factors such as the solar battery manufacturer you choose, the type of solar battery or its capacity.

  • How much is a 5kW solar battery?

A 5kW solar battery storage system typically costs around £9,000 to £10,000. The variability in installation expenses for such a system is influenced by factors like the battery’s size and whether it is direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) coupled.

  • How much does it cost to add a battery to a solar system?

To combine your solar panel system with a solar battery, you can expect labour costs ranging from £600 to £1,000 per day. 

  • How much is a 10kW solar battery?

A 10 kW solar battery storage system typically ranges in cost from £10,000 to £11,000. To help offset the high initial expenses, various grants like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and the 0% VAT schemes are available.

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