DECC survey reveals strength of solar support

Surveys seeking to determine the depth of public support for renewable energies seem to be two a penny lately and in keeping with the trend the latest survey from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reveals just how strong public support is. 

A survey carried out by DECC saw representatives visit participants in their homes, and more than 2,121 households were interviewed. The results have revealed that the British public is in favour of seeing renewables incorporated into the energy mix.

Set to run four times a year, the first set of results from DECC’s recently published Public Attitudes Tracking Survey has seen strong public backing for solar electricity. It was by far and away the winning technology, with 83% of those surveyed indicating a support for solar as a means of generating renewable energy. Offshore wind was the second most popular technology with 76% support, just beating out tidal and wave into third place with 75%.

When it came to utilising renewable energy for electricity, fuel and heat 79% of Brits were in favour compared to just 5% who were against and opposed developing these kind of technologies. In what was perhaps the most surprising revelation, 55% of interviewees said they wouldn’t have any objection if a large scale renewable energy development was built in the area where they lived.

Rising energy bills seem to be the greatest trigger for homeowners turning to solar panels and other types of renewable technologies. The survey also addressed the issue of energy security more than half of those who participated expressing a concern over rising energy costs.


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