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About H2ecO Ltd
H2ecO is run by people who are passionate about renewable energy generation.
We focus on the South West, Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire but also install in Yorkshire.
The company has no sales people, you will be dealing with the system designers and installers from your first contact and there are no hard selling tactics. We will never ask you to sign anything during an initial visit.
We invest our profits back into our own renewable energy projects so we design systems for you to the same standard we use for ourselves and provide you with information and guidance based on our experience of being end users as well as installers.
Call H2ecO Ltd on -
Tel: 01202 918 486
Mob: 07921 040932
H2ecO Ltd, Unit 3a, Glenmore Business park, Holton heath, Dorset, BH16 6NL
Installer of
- Yingli
- Sanyo
- ET Solar
- Phono Solar Technology Co. Ltd
- Upsolar